Time signature: 3/4, Allegro moderato
Suggested tempo: = 112 - 124 bpm
Key: Em
Positions I - VII
3 voices: simple arpeggio; melody, bass, and accompaniment with moderately complex voicing
Tuning: Standard
Approximate duration: 1 min
This is mainly a right hand arpeggio etude; This etude is graded as Advanced Intermediate if played at the suggested tempo, but it also sounds fine at a slower tempo of around 86, which would make it an intermediate level piece;An etude worth for analyzing the harmonic structure: Neapolitan sixth chord
Chord Transitioning | |
Right Hand Arpeggios | |
Shifting | |
Finger Independence | |
Scales | |
Left Hand Arpeggios | |
Slurs | |
Bass Stopping | |
Tremolo | |
Harmonics | |
Extended Techniques |
by Edson Lopes